The Eber Society was formed in 1934, to provide a burial plot for FINE family members and their families. POLLACK family descendents (4 of the JACOBSON daughters and their spouses), and possibly others, were also involved. The burial plot was purchased at Beth David Cemetery, 300 Elmont Road, Elmont, NY 11003, (516) 328-1300.

Update 05/2006: on a recent trip to the Mormon Family History Library in Salt Lake City, we discovered that the previously unknown POLLACK - FINE relationship was solved.  Shepsel JACOBSON's wife was Rachil POLLACK; Rachil's mother was Judith FINE. 

Jesse SELIGSON, son of one of the founders, provided the following description:

I have a ledger that my father kept as Financial Secy that shows the founding date as November 25, 1934 and the first meeting January 13, 1935. Dues were collected at $1.00 each from L. Fine, A. Gordon, Paul Fine, B. Katz, S. Seligson, D. Fine, Charles Fox, P. Widockler, B. Lansman, A. Becker and 50 cents from George Gordon!

(Webmaster's note: times sure have changed; I spent about $35 in tolls alone on my October 2001 visit to Beth David Cemetery!)

The plot consists of 72 grave sites, and is located at Section H, Block 7. A map (number 998) of the site is available at the cemetery office.

The society was named after Eber FINE, the father of the two known branches of the FINE family in the USA - Munes (Moses) FINE and Abraham FINE. Both families participated in the purchase of the burial plot, and members of both families are buried there, along with JACOBSON family members and others.

(The following links are being developed)

Site map: Beth David Cemetery Eber Society